
This texture is used as a background and footer element on many HealthWorks assets.
It should always be used with a color block of either HealthWorks Caring Purple or Quality Blue placed on top and Multiply Effect applied, allowing the texture to show from underneath the color.
This texture should never be used without the color block and effect applied.
You will need the ability to open a .ZIP file to download the texture.

Waves are used as a divider element between photography and main content areas, between white and textured areas, and as a footer element along with the texture.
When Waves are used with texture and color:
When the texture is Caring Purple, the wave with Quality Blue should be used.
When the texture is Quality Blue, the wave with Caring Purple should be used.
You will need the ability to open a .ZIP file to download the waves.
Service & Infographic





Mobile Clinic




Icons can be used to add visual interest to designs.
If new icons are created, they should be white and appear in a circle that is Caring Purple, Quality Blue, Integrity Magenta, Diversity Orange or Service Yellow. They should follow the solid-style icon similar to those shown above, including a darker shadow to add dimension.
Call to Action



These icons should be used within color blocks to create call-to-action boxes. (See examples in the Color Block section below.)
If new call-to-action icons are created, they should be white and appear in a Service Yellow circle with a white, 10-point stroke around the yellow circle.
You will need the ability to open a .ZIP file to download the icons.
Color Blocks

Call To Action or Headline
This is an example of how a color block can be used.
This is an example of how a color block can be used.
Color blocks are used to highlight important blocks of information and as call-to-actions.
In most cases, color blocks will appear in Caring Purple, Quality Blue or Integrity Magenta. They should always have a 20-pixel corner radius for digital and a .25″ corner radius for print.
You will need the ability to open a .ZIP file to download the color blocks.